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Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 79, Sept. 2023, p,837-859.

Economic Analysis and Policy
Volume 79, September 2023, Pages 837-859

José Ferrer and Alexei Kireyev (2022), IMF Working Paper 22/123.

IMF Working Paper, No. 2022/123
No. 2022/123

Kireyev A, Leonidov A, Radionov S, Vasilyeva E. 2022, PLoS ONE 17(4)

April 25, 2022
Diversification Plane

The Extractive Industries and Society, 2021, vol.8, issue 2, June

The Extractive Industries and Society
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021, 100701

Journal of the New Economic Association, 2019, No.1, vol.41 (1)

Journal of the New Economic Association
No.1, Vol. 41(1), pp. 12-33. DOI: 10.31737/2221-2264-2019-41-1-1.

The paper reviews the significant macro-fiscal challenges posed by climate change in Djibouti and the costs of mitigation and adaptation policies.


The paper reviews Djibouti’s macroeconomic reforms aimed at achieving middle-income status as envisaged in Vision Djibouti 2035, the authorities’ development strategy.

IMF Working Paper 17/270

The strengthening global recovery provides a unique opportunity to use trade to boost growth.

IMF Regional Economic Outlook, October 2017

The paper suggests an operationally usable framework for the evaluation of growth inclusiveness.

IMF Working Paper 17/172

This paper examines dynamic measures of growth inclusiveness derived from growth incidence curves.

Asian Development Bank Institute Working Paper No.689

The paper examines the poverty-reducing and distributional characteristics of Djibouti’s economic growth.

IMF Working Paper No.17/93

The paper presents a simple framework for the analysis of the macroeconomic implications of de-cashing.

IMF Working Paper No.17/71

In WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism - Chinese Edition
International Business and Economic Press

The book assesses the impact of the multilateral trading system on Africa.

African Perspectives on Trade and the WTO
Cambridge University Press, WTO

This paper proposes a network model of multilaterally equilibrium exchange rates. The model introduces a topological component into the exchange rate analysis, consistently taking into account simultaneous higher-order interactions among all currencies.

IMF Working Paper
No. 16/130, with Andrei Leonidov

IMF Working Paper 16/51.

IMF Working Paper

IMF Working Paper with Andrei Leonidov

This paper proposes a method for assessing international spillovers from nominal demand shocks.

IMF Working Paper
15/ 149

The West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) is a currency union with a fixed exchange rate and limited capital mobility and, therefore, an independent monetary policy in the short run.

IMF Working Paper
The paper examines Senegal’s growth performance from the perspective of its poverty educing and distributional characteristics, and discusses policies that might help make growth more inclusive
IMF Working paper
No. 13/215
What is the impact of a recovery in Côte d’Ivoire on the WAEMU region?

Côte d’Ivoire experienced political instability in  the past 15 years. With the political crisis  overcome, the economic outlook for Côte  d’Ivoire is strong.

West African Economic and Monetary Union. Staff Report on Common Policies for Member Countries
March 22, 2012, IMF Country Report No. 12/59, pp.49-59
Альманах  "Международная экономика" ГУ-ВШЭ

На протяжении практически всей истории классического периода теория международной торговли основывалась на двух основных посылках...

Альманах "Международная экономика" ГУ-ВШЭ

В 2008 г. Нобелевскую премию по экономике получил американский профессор Пол Кругман. Я воспринял это событие как личную победу.

Альманах "Международная экономика" ГУ-ВШЭ

The paper models export taxation of a primary commodity in a large country under two hypotheses about the structure of its export market.

IMF Working Paper
No. 10/269
Sub-Saharan Africa. Regional Economic Outlook

The economic slowdown in sub-Saharan Africa looks set to be mercifully brief. Recovery is now under way across the region.

Regional economic outlook : Sub-Saharan Africa. -- Washington, D.C.
Chapter 3. Private External Financing Flows and the Global Financial Crisis; Box 3.3. Official Aid during the Global Economic Crisis
Sub-Saharan Africa:Weathering the Storm. IMF Regional Economic Outlook, 2009

Prepared by a team led by Abebe Aemro Selassie and Norbert Funke under the direction of Saul Lizondo. This report reflects developments as of September 2009.

Global Monitoring Report 2008

Washington DC, World Bank, 2008, Chapter 1, with R. Harmsen.

Global Monitoring Report 2008

On a recent trip to Africa, a commentary in a local newspaper caught my attention: “What has changed in Africa after decades of aid for development?” asked the author. The answer was that everybody has a cell phone. The rest is the same.

The Green Cross Optimist
Autumn, 2006


Журнал "Экономическая школа"
No.4, c. 220-249.
IMF Working Paper
Kuwait: From Reconstruction to Accumulation for Future Generations

Chalk, Nigel Andrew ; El-Erian, Mohamed A. ; Fennell, Susan ; Kireyev, Alexei ; Wilson, John F.


The SIPRI Yearbook 1992 continues SIPRI's review of the latest developments in nuclear weapons and examines the US–Soviet START Treaty and the Bush, Gorbachev and Yeltsin unilateral reduction initiatives,

SIPRI Yearbook 1992
Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1992, pp. 361-90 with P. Miggiano.
A. Mansoor, S. Issoufou, D. Sembene (Eds.). Race to the Next Income Frontier How Senegal and Other Low-Income Countries Can Reach the Finish Line
(pp. 32-48). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund