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International MacroEconomics, 2014

International MicroEconomics, 2013

Applied MacroEconomics, 2006

International Economics, Vol. II, 2009

International Economics, Vol. I, 2007

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  1. Alexei P Kireyev (lead author); Boaz Nandwa; Lorraine Ocampos; Babacar Sarr; Ramzy Al Amine; Allan G Auclair; Yufei Cai; Jean-Francois Dauphin, 2019, Economic Integration in the Maghreb: An Untapped Source of Growth. International Monetary Fund, Departmental Paper No.19/01
  2. Kireyev, A., & Osakwe, C. (Editors), 2017, Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.
  3. Kireyev, A. (Editor), 2017, Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons in Managing Growth, Inclusiveness, and Volatility. DOI:, ISBN: 9781513511832
  4. Финансовая грамотность/Principles of Finance. M., Vita-Press, 2015
  5. Международная макроэкономика / International MacroEconomics. M., International Relations, 2014, 621 p. .
  6. Международная микроэкономика / International MicroEconomics. M., International Relations, 2013, 556 p. .
  7. Микроэкономика для продвинутых / Advanced Microeconomics: Problems and Solutions (with P. Kireyev), M., University Press, 2010, 160 p. .
  8. Экономика/Economics. An Introductory Text, Students’ Practice Book, Internet-based distance-learning resources, Practice CD, and Instructor’s Manual. M., Vita Press, 2007-present, 283 p.
  9. Прикладная макроэкономика/Applied Macroeconomics. M., International Relations, 2006, 456 p.
  10. Международная экономика/International Economics: Trade and Investment. Vol. 1, M., International relations, 1997-present (Third edition).
  11. Международная экономика/International Economics: Financing and Programming. Vol. 2. M., International relations, 1997-present (Third edition).
  12. Вехи экономической мысли/History of Economic Thought. International economics. (Editor).  M., Higher School of Economics, 2006, 718 p.
  13. International Economics and Business. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M. Abby-Press, 2008 (electronic version).
  14. Кто оплатит “звездные войны”?/Who will pay for Star Wars? The Economics of Armament and Disarmament, M., International Relations, 1988, 266 p.

    Chapters in refereed books

  15. Kireyev A. Macroeconomic Stability as a Precondition for Peace. In Trade for Peace: Pathways to Sustainable Trade and Peace. WTO: Geneva, 2025
  16. Kireyev A. (lead), J.Li, M. Some, and G.Verdier. Maghreb and China: Strengthening Resilience and Growth Through Cooperation. In China and Africa, Forthcoming IMF book, 2021
  17. Kireyev A. The Economics of De-Cashing (2020). In Macroeconomic Stabilization in the Digital Age. Edited by Beirne, J. and Fernandez, D.G., Asian Development Bank Institute, ISBN 978-4-89974-225-8 (print); 978-4-89974-226-5 (PDF).
  18. Kunzel, P. De Imus, P.; Gemayel, E; Herrala, R; Kireyev, A.; Talishli, F. (2018). Opening Up in the Caucasus and Central Asia: Policy Frameworks to Support Regional and Global Integration.  IMF Departmental Paper No. 18/07.
  19. Kireyev A. and A. Leonidov (2018). Imports Slowdown in the People’s Republic of China: Spillovers, Spillins, and Spillbacks in Global Shocks and the New Global and Regional Financial Architecture: Asian Perspectives, edited by Naoyuki Yoshino, Peter J. Morgan, and Pradumna B. Rana. Tokyo, Asian Development Bank Institute and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, ISBN 978-4-89974-069-8 (Print) 978-4-89974-070-4 (PDF).
  20. Kireyev, A. (2018). Macro-Structural Reforms and Emergence: Lessons for Senegal. In A. Mansoor, S. Issoufou, D. Sembene (Eds.).  In Race to the Next Income Frontier How Senegal and Other Low-Income Countries Can Reach the Finish Line, (pp. 61-76). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund. ISBN 9781484303139.
  21. Kireyev, A. (2018). Inclusiveness and Social Dimensions of Growth in Senegal. In A. Mansoor, S. Issoufou, D. Sembene (Eds.). In Race to the Next Income Frontier How Senegal and Other Low-Income Countries Can Reach the Finish Line, (pp. 77-100). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund. ISBN 9781484303139.
  22. Kireyev, A., & Osakwe, C. (2017). Making Trade Multilateralism Work for All: The Role of WTO Accessions. In A. Kireyev & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions (WTO Internal Only, pp. 1-26). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.003.
  23. Kireyev, A., & Osakwe, C. (2017). Conclusion: Trade Multilateralism - Enhancing Flexibility, Preserving the Momentum. In A. Kireyev & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions (WTO Internal Only, pp. 405-408). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.022.
  24. Kireyev, A. (2017). The WTO and the Changing State of the Global Economy. In A. Kireyev & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions (WTO Internal Only, pp. 29-54). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.004.
  25. Kireyev, A., Osakwe, C., & Varyanik, A. (2017). The Accession of Kazakhstan: Dealing with Complexity. In A. Kireyev & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions (WTO Internal Only, pp. 70-80). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.006.
  26. Kireyev, A. (2016). WTO Accession Reforms and Competitiveness – Lessons for Africa. In P. Low, C. Osakwe, & M. Oshikawa (Eds.), In African Perspectives on Trade and the WTO: Domestic Reforms, Structural Transformation and Global Economic Integration (WTO Internal Only, pp. 369-405). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781316795873.019.
  27. Kireyev, A. (2015). The macroeconomic implications of WTO accessions. In U. Dadush & C. Osakwe (Eds.), WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism: Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty (WTO Internal Only, pp. 122-160). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781316144893.006.
  28. Kireyev, A., & Sekkate, M. (2015). WTO accessions: What does the academic literature say? In U. Dadush & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism: Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty (WTO Internal Only, pp. 198-216). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781316144893.009.
  29. Kireyev, A. (2016). Lessons from the WAEMU: Findings and Recommendations. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 1-14). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
  30. Kireyev, A. (2016). Institutional Arrangements and Regional Integration. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 15-22). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
  31.  Kireyev, A. (2016). Macroeconomic Policy Coordination. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 15-22). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
  32. Kireyev A., S. Klos, K. Kolerus, M. Newiak (2016). Growth Inclusiveness and Equality. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 81-100). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
  33. Kireyev, A. (2016). Monetary Policy in a Currency Union. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 199-218). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
  34. Kireyev, A. (2016). Country Effects of a Single Monetary Policy. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 219-234). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
  35. Kireyev, A. (2016). Regional Trade Network. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 321-340). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.

    Articles in refereed journals

  36. Policy Space Index: Short-Term Response to a Catastrophic Event. With Jose Ferrer. Economic Analysis and Policy, 2023, vol. 79 (C), pages 837-859.

  37. Communities in World Input-Output Network: Robustness and Rankings. 2022. With Leonidov A, Radionov S, Vasilyeva E. PLOS ONE 17(4): e0264623.;
  38. Growth Erosion in MENAP: Reasons and Remedies. 2021. Accepted and forthcoming in Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (RMEEF).
  39. Twin Trade Shocks: Spillovers from US-China Trade Tensions. International Economics, 2021.  Volume 167, pp. 174-188. Available online at Twin Trade Shocks: Spillovers from US-China Trade Tensions - ScienceDirect. With A. Leonidov.
  40. Diversification in the Middle East: From Crude Trends to Refined Policies. The Extractive Industries and Society, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 2. Available online at
  41. A Network Model of Multilateral Equilibrium Exchange Rates. Journal of the New Economic Association, 2019, No.1(41) with A.V. Leonidov
  42. Network Effects of International Shocks and Spillovers. Networks and Spatial Economics, pp.1-35; with A. Leonidov.
  43. Theories of International Trade of the 21st Century. International Economics, Almanac. Vol. 7, 2011. Available at
  44. Krugman's Puzzle. International Economics, Almanac. Vol. 7, 2011. Available at
  45. Pioneers of International Economics, The School of Economics, 2006, No.4, pp. 220-249. Available at
  46. Privatizing Finance for Development. The Green Cross Optimist. Autumn, 2006, Available at
  47. Fiscal Policy and Debt Sustainability. Sub-Saharan Africa: Weathering the Storm. IMF Regional Economic Outlook 2009.p. 40-45. With D. Guimarães, R.Keyfitz. Available at
  48. Sustaining and Broadening the Growth Momentum. Global Monitoring Report 2008. Washington DC, World Bank, 2008, Chapter 1, with R. Harmsen.
  49. Arms production, SIPRI Yearbook 1992, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1992, pp. 361-90 with P. Miggiano. Available at


    Refereed Working Papers

  50. Policy Space Index: Short-Term Response to a Catastrophic Event. IMF Working Paper (forthcoming). 2021, With J. Ferrer.
  51. Operationalizing Inclusive Growth: Per-Percentile Diagnostics to Inform Redistribution Policies. IMF Working Paper No. 20/50, with A. Leonidov. Available at
  52. Macro-Fiscal Implications of Climate Change: The Case of Djibouti. IMF Working Paper No. 18/233.
  53. Djibouti’s Quest for Inclusive Growth, IMF Working Paper No. 17/270. Available at .
  54. Inclusive Growth Framework. With Jingyang Chen. IMF Working Paper No. 17/127. Available at
  55. Growth Inclusiveness in Djibouti, Working Paper No. 17/93. Available at
  56. The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing, IMF Working Paper No. 17/71. Available at .
  57. A Network Model of Multilaterally Equilibrium Exchange Rates, IMF Working Paper No. 16/130, with Andrei Leonidov. Available at .
  58. China’s Imports Slowdown: Spillovers, Spillins and Spillbacks, IMF Working Paper No. 16/51, with Andrei Leonidov. Available at .
  59. Network Effects of International Shocks and Spillovers, IMF Working Paper No. 15/149, with Andrei Leonidov. Available at
  60. How to Improve the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in the West African Economic and Monetary Union, IMF Working Paper, No.15/99. Available at
  61. Inclusive Growth and Inequality in Senegal, IMF Working paper, No. 13/215. Available at
  62. Export Tax and Pricing Power. Two Hypotheses on the Cocoa Market in Côte d’Ivoire IMF Working Paper 10/269. Available at
  63. Non-Econometric Methods for Exchange Rate Assessment in Low-Income Countries. IMF, Mimeo, 2009.
  64. The Macroeconomics of Remittances: The Case of Tajikistan. IMF Working Paper 06/01. Available at .
  65. Liberalization of Trade in Financial Services and Financial Sector Stability (Empirical Approach), IMF Working Paper 02/139. Available at
  66. Liberalization of Trade in Financial Services and Financial Sector Stability (Analytical Approach), IMF Working Paper 02/140. Available at
  67. Econometric Analysis of Discrete Reforms. IMF Working Paper 01/156. Available at .
  68. Financial Reforms in Sudan: Streamlining Bank Intermediation. IMF Working Paper 01/53. Available at
  69. Comparative Macroeconomic Dynamics in the Arab World - A Panel VAR Approach, IMF Working Paper 00/54.Available at
  70. Kuwait: From Reconstruction to Accumulation for Future Generations. With N. Chalk, M. El-Erian, S. Fennell, and J. Wilson, IMF Occasional Paper No. 150, April 30, 1997. Available at