Books, articles
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International MacroEconomics, 2014
International MicroEconomics, 2013
Applied MacroEconomics, 2006
International Economics, Vol. II, 2009
International Economics, Vol. I, 2007
Purchase electronic versions
- Alexei P Kireyev (lead author); Boaz Nandwa; Lorraine Ocampos; Babacar Sarr; Ramzy Al Amine; Allan G Auclair; Yufei Cai; Jean-Francois Dauphin, 2019, Economic Integration in the Maghreb: An Untapped Source of Growth. International Monetary Fund, Departmental Paper No.19/01
- Kireyev, A., & Osakwe, C. (Editors), 2017, Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.
- Kireyev, A. (Editor), 2017, Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons in Managing Growth, Inclusiveness, and Volatility. DOI:, ISBN: 9781513511832
- Финансовая грамотность/Principles of Finance. M., Vita-Press, 2015
- Международная макроэкономика / International MacroEconomics. M., International Relations, 2014, 621 p. .
- Международная микроэкономика / International MicroEconomics. M., International Relations, 2013, 556 p. .
- Микроэкономика для продвинутых / Advanced Microeconomics: Problems and Solutions (with P. Kireyev), M., University Press, 2010, 160 p. .
- Экономика/Economics. An Introductory Text, Students’ Practice Book, Internet-based distance-learning resources, Practice CD, and Instructor’s Manual. M., Vita Press, 2007-present, 283 p.
- Прикладная макроэкономика/Applied Macroeconomics. M., International Relations, 2006, 456 p.
- Международная экономика/International Economics: Trade and Investment. Vol. 1, M., International relations, 1997-present (Third edition).
- Международная экономика/International Economics: Financing and Programming. Vol. 2. M., International relations, 1997-present (Third edition).
- Вехи экономической мысли/History of Economic Thought. International economics. (Editor). M., Higher School of Economics, 2006, 718 p.
- International Economics and Business. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M. Abby-Press, 2008 (electronic version).
- Кто оплатит “звездные войны”?/Who will pay for Star Wars? The Economics of Armament and Disarmament, M., International Relations, 1988, 266 p.
Chapters in refereed books
- Kireyev A. Macroeconomic Stability as a Precondition for Peace. In Trade for Peace: Pathways to Sustainable Trade and Peace. WTO: Geneva, 2025
- Kireyev A. (lead), J.Li, M. Some, and G.Verdier. Maghreb and China: Strengthening Resilience and Growth Through Cooperation. In China and Africa, Forthcoming IMF book, 2021
- Kireyev A. The Economics of De-Cashing (2020). In Macroeconomic Stabilization in the Digital Age. Edited by Beirne, J. and Fernandez, D.G., Asian Development Bank Institute, ISBN 978-4-89974-225-8 (print); 978-4-89974-226-5 (PDF).
- Kunzel, P. De Imus, P.; Gemayel, E; Herrala, R; Kireyev, A.; Talishli, F. (2018). Opening Up in the Caucasus and Central Asia: Policy Frameworks to Support Regional and Global Integration. IMF Departmental Paper No. 18/07.
- Kireyev A. and A. Leonidov (2018). Imports Slowdown in the People’s Republic of China: Spillovers, Spillins, and Spillbacks in Global Shocks and the New Global and Regional Financial Architecture: Asian Perspectives, edited by Naoyuki Yoshino, Peter J. Morgan, and Pradumna B. Rana. Tokyo, Asian Development Bank Institute and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, ISBN 978-4-89974-069-8 (Print) 978-4-89974-070-4 (PDF).
- Kireyev, A. (2018). Macro-Structural Reforms and Emergence: Lessons for Senegal. In A. Mansoor, S. Issoufou, D. Sembene (Eds.). In Race to the Next Income Frontier How Senegal and Other Low-Income Countries Can Reach the Finish Line, (pp. 61-76). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund. ISBN 9781484303139.
- Kireyev, A. (2018). Inclusiveness and Social Dimensions of Growth in Senegal. In A. Mansoor, S. Issoufou, D. Sembene (Eds.). In Race to the Next Income Frontier How Senegal and Other Low-Income Countries Can Reach the Finish Line, (pp. 77-100). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund. ISBN 9781484303139.
- Kireyev, A., & Osakwe, C. (2017). Making Trade Multilateralism Work for All: The Role of WTO Accessions. In A. Kireyev & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions (WTO Internal Only, pp. 1-26). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.003.
- Kireyev, A., & Osakwe, C. (2017). Conclusion: Trade Multilateralism - Enhancing Flexibility, Preserving the Momentum. In A. Kireyev & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions (WTO Internal Only, pp. 405-408). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.022.
- Kireyev, A. (2017). The WTO and the Changing State of the Global Economy. In A. Kireyev & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions (WTO Internal Only, pp. 29-54). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.004.
- Kireyev, A., Osakwe, C., & Varyanik, A. (2017). The Accession of Kazakhstan: Dealing with Complexity. In A. Kireyev & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In Trade Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System through WTO Accessions (WTO Internal Only, pp. 70-80). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108367745.006.
- Kireyev, A. (2016). WTO Accession Reforms and Competitiveness – Lessons for Africa. In P. Low, C. Osakwe, & M. Oshikawa (Eds.), In African Perspectives on Trade and the WTO: Domestic Reforms, Structural Transformation and Global Economic Integration (WTO Internal Only, pp. 369-405). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781316795873.019.
- Kireyev, A. (2015). The macroeconomic implications of WTO accessions. In U. Dadush & C. Osakwe (Eds.), WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism: Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty (WTO Internal Only, pp. 122-160). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781316144893.006.
- Kireyev, A., & Sekkate, M. (2015). WTO accessions: What does the academic literature say? In U. Dadush & C. Osakwe (Eds.), In WTO Accessions and Trade Multilateralism: Case Studies and Lessons from the WTO at Twenty (WTO Internal Only, pp. 198-216). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781316144893.009.
- Kireyev, A. (2016). Lessons from the WAEMU: Findings and Recommendations. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 1-14). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
- Kireyev, A. (2016). Institutional Arrangements and Regional Integration. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 15-22). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
- Kireyev, A. (2016). Macroeconomic Policy Coordination. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 15-22). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
- Kireyev A., S. Klos, K. Kolerus, M. Newiak (2016). Growth Inclusiveness and Equality. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 81-100). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
- Kireyev, A. (2016). Monetary Policy in a Currency Union. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 199-218). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
- Kireyev, A. (2016). Country Effects of a Single Monetary Policy. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 219-234). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
- Kireyev, A. (2016). Regional Trade Network. In A. Kireyev (Ed.), Building Integrated Economies in West Africa: Lessons from Managing Growth, Inclusiveness and Volatility, (pp. 321-340). Washington DC: International Monetary Fund.
Articles in refereed journals
Policy Space Index: Short-Term Response to a Catastrophic Event. With Jose Ferrer. Economic Analysis and Policy, 2023, vol. 79 (C), pages 837-859.
- Communities in World Input-Output Network: Robustness and Rankings. 2022. With Leonidov A, Radionov S, Vasilyeva E. PLOS ONE 17(4): e0264623.;
- Growth Erosion in MENAP: Reasons and Remedies. 2021. Accepted and forthcoming in Review of Middle East Economics and Finance (RMEEF).
- Twin Trade Shocks: Spillovers from US-China Trade Tensions. International Economics, 2021. Volume 167, pp. 174-188. Available online at Twin Trade Shocks: Spillovers from US-China Trade Tensions - ScienceDirect. With A. Leonidov.
- Diversification in the Middle East: From Crude Trends to Refined Policies. The Extractive Industries and Society, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 2. Available online at
- A Network Model of Multilateral Equilibrium Exchange Rates. Journal of the New Economic Association, 2019, No.1(41) with A.V. Leonidov
- Network Effects of International Shocks and Spillovers. Networks and Spatial Economics, pp.1-35; with A. Leonidov.
- Theories of International Trade of the 21st Century. International Economics, Almanac. Vol. 7, 2011. Available at
- Krugman's Puzzle. International Economics, Almanac. Vol. 7, 2011. Available at
- Pioneers of International Economics, The School of Economics, 2006, No.4, pp. 220-249. Available at
- Privatizing Finance for Development. The Green Cross Optimist. Autumn, 2006, Available at
- Fiscal Policy and Debt Sustainability. Sub-Saharan Africa: Weathering the Storm. IMF Regional Economic Outlook 2009.p. 40-45. With D. Guimarães, R.Keyfitz. Available at
- Sustaining and Broadening the Growth Momentum. Global Monitoring Report 2008. Washington DC, World Bank, 2008, Chapter 1, with R. Harmsen.
- Arms production, SIPRI Yearbook 1992, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1992, pp. 361-90 with P. Miggiano. Available at
Refereed Working Papers
- Policy Space Index: Short-Term Response to a Catastrophic Event. IMF Working Paper (forthcoming). 2021, With J. Ferrer.
- Operationalizing Inclusive Growth: Per-Percentile Diagnostics to Inform Redistribution Policies. IMF Working Paper No. 20/50, with A. Leonidov. Available at
- Macro-Fiscal Implications of Climate Change: The Case of Djibouti. IMF Working Paper No. 18/233.
- Djibouti’s Quest for Inclusive Growth, IMF Working Paper No. 17/270. Available at .
- Inclusive Growth Framework. With Jingyang Chen. IMF Working Paper No. 17/127. Available at
- Growth Inclusiveness in Djibouti, Working Paper No. 17/93. Available at
- The Macroeconomics of De-Cashing, IMF Working Paper No. 17/71. Available at .
- A Network Model of Multilaterally Equilibrium Exchange Rates, IMF Working Paper No. 16/130, with Andrei Leonidov. Available at .
- China’s Imports Slowdown: Spillovers, Spillins and Spillbacks, IMF Working Paper No. 16/51, with Andrei Leonidov. Available at .
- Network Effects of International Shocks and Spillovers, IMF Working Paper No. 15/149, with Andrei Leonidov. Available at
- How to Improve the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in the West African Economic and Monetary Union, IMF Working Paper, No.15/99. Available at
- Inclusive Growth and Inequality in Senegal, IMF Working paper, No. 13/215. Available at
- Export Tax and Pricing Power. Two Hypotheses on the Cocoa Market in Côte d’Ivoire IMF Working Paper 10/269. Available at
- Non-Econometric Methods for Exchange Rate Assessment in Low-Income Countries. IMF, Mimeo, 2009.
- The Macroeconomics of Remittances: The Case of Tajikistan. IMF Working Paper 06/01. Available at .
- Liberalization of Trade in Financial Services and Financial Sector Stability (Empirical Approach), IMF Working Paper 02/139. Available at
- Liberalization of Trade in Financial Services and Financial Sector Stability (Analytical Approach), IMF Working Paper 02/140. Available at
- Econometric Analysis of Discrete Reforms. IMF Working Paper 01/156. Available at .
- Financial Reforms in Sudan: Streamlining Bank Intermediation. IMF Working Paper 01/53. Available at
- Comparative Macroeconomic Dynamics in the Arab World - A Panel VAR Approach, IMF Working Paper 00/54.Available at
- Kuwait: From Reconstruction to Accumulation for Future Generations. With N. Chalk, M. El-Erian, S. Fennell, and J. Wilson, IMF Occasional Paper No. 150, April 30, 1997. Available at